I saw Monster Truck opening up for a local band's EP release party. I thoroughly enjoyed the headlining act, but Monster Truck was Fucking badass. serious rock. I picked up their debut self-titled EP and recieved a free download of their most recent 4-track release... "The Brown EP."
At some point, all the legitimacy and seriousness of a hard-rock band gets called into question when the "rawkness" seems overly done and silly. Metallica and Nickelback are two prime examples of where the simple rough-rock sound can come off as phony - or just plain laughable. Monster Trucks' EP, "The Brown EP," is fucking ridiculous. In a good way. Not phony. The vocals are stellar but rough. The organ is sweet. The drums are simple, and the guitar/bass are doing a great job.
Monster Truck has a very "Mountain-meets-Zeppelin-meets-heavier-blues-rock/ZZ-Top" sound. This is the kind of rock music I would gladly play at a house party to get guests in a good mood. My only real complaint about the EP is that it's an EP and there aren't enough guitar solos. I think there's only one obvious solo in the whole record.
In any case, if you want good foot-stomping rock music. This is a killer release by a band from Toronto Canada.
Notable Tracks:
Out of the four tracks, all of them are great.
"Righteous Smoke" is fucking sweet!
Link To Artist: